Showing 33–48 of 53 results
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After taking food it’s absorbed by intestine it is normal process. Appropriate absorption depends upon on appropriate digestion. So, appropriate digestion after all absorption is very in essential and important for our normal living.
Syrup Manzyne® is the kings of digestive medicine. It is formulated by some important digestant medicinal plants such as piper nigrum, Trachispermum ammi, cinnamonum Jilanicum, Emblica officinallis, Terminalia chebule, zingiber officinale And Terminalia bellerica. These are effective for digestive system. Syrup Manzyne® has some plants chemicals that increase secretion of enzyme and co-enzyme for digestion. Syrup Manzyne® is incomparable medicine for digestion and digestive system. It is safe well tolerate medicine for us in therapeutic diseases.
After taking food it’s absorbed by intestine it is normal process. Appropriate absorption depends upon on appropriate digestion. So, appropriate digestion after all absorption is very in essential and important for our normal living.
Syrup Manzyne® is the kings of digestive medicine. It is formulated by some important digestant medicinal plants such as piper nigrum, Trachispermum ammi, cinnamonum Jilanicum, Emblica officinallis, Terminalia chebule, zingiber officinale And Terminalia bellerica. These are effective for digestive system. Syrup Manzyne® has some plants chemicals that increase secretion of enzyme and co-enzyme for digestion. Syrup Manzyne® is incomparable medicine for digestion and digestive system. It is safe well tolerate medicine for us in therapeutic diseases.
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বদহজম, পাকস্থলীর প্রদাহ, পেট ফাঁপা ও ব্যথা, খাবারের অরুচি, ক্ষুধামন্দা ইত্যাদির চিকিৎসায় এবং হজমশক্তি বৃদ্ধিকারক হিসাবে ব্যবহার করা হয়।
সেবন বিধি :
গরু, মহিষ, ঘোড়া : ১০০-৩০০ কেজি দৈহিক ওজনের জন্য ২০-৪০ গ্রাম এবং ৩০১-৫০০ কেজি দৈহিক ওজনের জন্য ৬০ গ্রাম পাউডার দিনে ২ বার পরপর ৫ দিন খাওয়াতে হবে।
বাছুর, ছাগল ও ভেড়া : ১০ থেকে ২৫ কেজি দৈহিক ওজনের জন্য ৫-১০ গ্রাম পাউডার দিনে ২ বার পরপর ৩-৫ দিন খাওয়াতে হবে।
অথবা ভেটেরিনারী চিকিৎসকের পরামর্শ অনুযায়ী সেব্য।
সতর্কতা : শিশুদের নাগালের বাইরে রাখুন।
ঠান্ডা ও শুষ্ক স্থানে রাখুন।প্যাকিং সাইজ : ১০ X ২০ গ্রাম বক্স
DigestantQuick Viewবদহজম, পাকস্থলীর প্রদাহ, পেট ফাঁপা ও ব্যথা, খাবারের অরুচি, ক্ষুধামন্দা ইত্যাদির চিকিৎসায় এবং হজমশক্তি বৃদ্ধিকারক হিসাবে ব্যবহার করা হয়।
সেবন বিধি :
গরু, মহিষ, ঘোড়া : ১০০-৩০০ কেজি দৈহিক ওজনের জন্য ২০-৪০ গ্রাম এবং ৩০১-৫০০ কেজি দৈহিক ওজনের জন্য ৬০ গ্রাম পাউডার দিনে ২ বার পরপর ৫ দিন খাওয়াতে হবে।
বাছুর, ছাগল ও ভেড়া : ১০ থেকে ২৫ কেজি দৈহিক ওজনের জন্য ৫-১০ গ্রাম পাউডার দিনে ২ বার পরপর ৩-৫ দিন খাওয়াতে হবে।
অথবা ভেটেরিনারী চিকিৎসকের পরামর্শ অনুযায়ী সেব্য।
সতর্কতা : শিশুদের নাগালের বাইরে রাখুন।
ঠান্ডা ও শুষ্ক স্থানে রাখুন।প্যাকিং সাইজ : ১০ X ২০ গ্রাম বক্স
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A Unique natural medicine for nerving disorder and due to paralysis
Capsule Palcid® is a potent natural medicine for the treatment of paralysis feelinglessness condition of specific region of the body, rheumatic pain, facial paralysis and sexual impotence. The active ingredients of Palcid® provide a satisfactory efficacy on nerves or nervous system of our body. Strychnos nux vomica is the main active ingredients of capsule Palcid®. Palcid® is a Unani natural medicine in capsule dosage form which is the perfect solution of that indication:
(Azaraki)Quick ViewA Unique natural medicine for nerving disorder and due to paralysis
Capsule Palcid® is a potent natural medicine for the treatment of paralysis feelinglessness condition of specific region of the body, rheumatic pain, facial paralysis and sexual impotence. The active ingredients of Palcid® provide a satisfactory efficacy on nerves or nervous system of our body. Strychnos nux vomica is the main active ingredients of capsule Palcid®. Palcid® is a Unani natural medicine in capsule dosage form which is the perfect solution of that indication:
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A global Treatment of Symptomatic GIT Diseases
Pepnol® is saf, well tolerable and a curative natural digestive stimulant, which correctly effective in Indigestion, Dyspepsia, flatulence, constipation and also can be used in the treatment of IBS. Moreover, Pepnol® is only one capable digestive stimulant which can balance the acid-pepsin vs. mucosal resistance.
(Nankha)Quick ViewA global Treatment of Symptomatic GIT Diseases
Pepnol® is saf, well tolerable and a curative natural digestive stimulant, which correctly effective in Indigestion, Dyspepsia, flatulence, constipation and also can be used in the treatment of IBS. Moreover, Pepnol® is only one capable digestive stimulant which can balance the acid-pepsin vs. mucosal resistance.
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Pilon is Effective Unani Medicine for Bleeding Related Piles
Capsule Pilon® is effective in bleeding piles and constipation. It prevents the bleeding of piles. It is safe and well tolerates medicine that is formulated by some important medicinal plants. It is time tested successful anti-Haemorroid medicine.
(Bowasir Dumuvi)Quick ViewPilon is Effective Unani Medicine for Bleeding Related Piles
Capsule Pilon® is effective in bleeding piles and constipation. It prevents the bleeding of piles. It is safe and well tolerates medicine that is formulated by some important medicinal plants. It is time tested successful anti-Haemorroid medicine.
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Pyloson® is an Effective Unani Medicine for Piles
Capsule Pyloson® is more effective in piles except bleeding. Pyloson® has manufactured in a healthy atmonspher including most modern technology. The most effective of Pyloson® is treminalia chebula. Pyloson® is effective in general piles and constipation, where bleeding is absent.
(Bowasir bodi)Quick ViewPyloson® is an Effective Unani Medicine for Piles
Capsule Pyloson® is more effective in piles except bleeding. Pyloson® has manufactured in a healthy atmonspher including most modern technology. The most effective of Pyloson® is treminalia chebula. Pyloson® is effective in general piles and constipation, where bleeding is absent.
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Safe Unani analgesic and specific treatment of gouty arthritis.
Remalgin is a safe Unani medicine for treatment of joint pain, Rheumatic pain, all kind of muscular pain and couty arthritis. It is composed by some important medicine plants that are effective in nervous system and neurological pain. It is safe and well tolerates medicine.
(Suranjan)Quick ViewSafe Unani analgesic and specific treatment of gouty arthritis.
Remalgin is a safe Unani medicine for treatment of joint pain, Rheumatic pain, all kind of muscular pain and couty arthritis. It is composed by some important medicine plants that are effective in nervous system and neurological pain. It is safe and well tolerates medicine.
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An Effective Unani Medicine for Sciatica, Gout and Arthritis
Sciatica, Gout and arthritis are the common and well familiar disease of middle aged group. Capsule Remalson® is a time tested Unani medicine that is very effective in sciatica, Gout and arthritis. Remalson® is effective in some symptomatic symptoms such as joint pain, pain with swelling that is symptoms of Gout or arthritis capsule Remalson® reduced the production of uric acid and helps to expects uric acid that is through out by urine. It has no harmful side effect like painkiller. It is safe well tolerate medicine.
(Awjayee)Quick ViewAn Effective Unani Medicine for Sciatica, Gout and Arthritis
Sciatica, Gout and arthritis are the common and well familiar disease of middle aged group. Capsule Remalson® is a time tested Unani medicine that is very effective in sciatica, Gout and arthritis. Remalson® is effective in some symptomatic symptoms such as joint pain, pain with swelling that is symptoms of Gout or arthritis capsule Remalson® reduced the production of uric acid and helps to expects uric acid that is through out by urine. It has no harmful side effect like painkiller. It is safe well tolerate medicine.
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Provide people globally with high quality health care products at affordable prices in order to improve access to medicine.Syrup Sarsin acts as waste product remover of blood, skin disease preventive, powerful anti oxidant and skin brightener unani medicine. Sarsin is composed by some important herbs that act as anti-oxidant and immune activator. Important ingredient of Sarsin is neem, kalomegh, tarmaric, chirata and sonapata almost all of this ingredients act as powerful anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-allergic. Sarsin removes free radical and act as anti-ageing factor. Sarsin ensures our youngerness, kept our skin soft and bright. Sarsin is essential for our normal living.
(Musaffi)Quick ViewNATURAL SKIN CARE
Provide people globally with high quality health care products at affordable prices in order to improve access to medicine.Syrup Sarsin acts as waste product remover of blood, skin disease preventive, powerful anti oxidant and skin brightener unani medicine. Sarsin is composed by some important herbs that act as anti-oxidant and immune activator. Important ingredient of Sarsin is neem, kalomegh, tarmaric, chirata and sonapata almost all of this ingredients act as powerful anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-allergic. Sarsin removes free radical and act as anti-ageing factor. Sarsin ensures our youngerness, kept our skin soft and bright. Sarsin is essential for our normal living.
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গবাদি পশু, হাস ও মুরগীর ক্যালসিয়াম, ম্যাগনেসিয়াম ও ফসফরাসের অভাব পূরণ করে। হাড় মজবুত করে, দুধ ও ডিমের উৎপাদন বাড়ায়। Septocal-এCalcium & Phosphorus এর অনুপাত ২:১ হওয়ায় এর মিশ্রণ অন্ত্রে দ্রত শোষিত হয়।Septocal এর Base CH2O হওয়ায় পশু পাখির শারিরীক দূর্বলতা দূর হয় এবং শক্তি যোগায়।
সেবন বিধি :
গরু, মহিষ, ঘোড়া : ৫০-১০০ মি.লি. ৭-১০ দিন।
বাছুর, ছাগল ও ভেড়া : ২০-২৫ মি.লি. ৭-১০ দিন।
মুরগীর বাচ্চা : প্রতি লিটার পানিতে ৫ মি.লি. ৩-৪ দিন।
লেয়ার, ব্রয়লার ও গ্রোয়ার : প্রতি ১০০টি পাখির জন্য ২০ মি.লি. ৫-৭ দিন।
অথবা ভেটেরিনারী চিকিৎসকের পরামর্শ অনুযায়ী সেব্য।
ব্যবহারের পূর্বে বোতল ভালোভাবে ঝাঁকিয়ে নিন।
সতর্কতা : শিশুদের নাগালের বাইরে রাখুন।
ঠান্ডা ও শুষ্ক স্থানে রাখুন।প্যাকিং সাইজ :
১০০ মি.লি., ৫০০ মি.লি., ১০০০ মি.লি. ও ৫০০০ মি.লি. প্লাস্টিক বোতল ।Septocal
Vitamin SyrupQuick Viewগবাদি পশু, হাস ও মুরগীর ক্যালসিয়াম, ম্যাগনেসিয়াম ও ফসফরাসের অভাব পূরণ করে। হাড় মজবুত করে, দুধ ও ডিমের উৎপাদন বাড়ায়। Septocal-এCalcium & Phosphorus এর অনুপাত ২:১ হওয়ায় এর মিশ্রণ অন্ত্রে দ্রত শোষিত হয়।Septocal এর Base CH2O হওয়ায় পশু পাখির শারিরীক দূর্বলতা দূর হয় এবং শক্তি যোগায়।
সেবন বিধি :
গরু, মহিষ, ঘোড়া : ৫০-১০০ মি.লি. ৭-১০ দিন।
বাছুর, ছাগল ও ভেড়া : ২০-২৫ মি.লি. ৭-১০ দিন।
মুরগীর বাচ্চা : প্রতি লিটার পানিতে ৫ মি.লি. ৩-৪ দিন।
লেয়ার, ব্রয়লার ও গ্রোয়ার : প্রতি ১০০টি পাখির জন্য ২০ মি.লি. ৫-৭ দিন।
অথবা ভেটেরিনারী চিকিৎসকের পরামর্শ অনুযায়ী সেব্য।
ব্যবহারের পূর্বে বোতল ভালোভাবে ঝাঁকিয়ে নিন।
সতর্কতা : শিশুদের নাগালের বাইরে রাখুন।
ঠান্ডা ও শুষ্ক স্থানে রাখুন।প্যাকিং সাইজ :
১০০ মি.লি., ৫০০ মি.লি., ১০০০ মি.লি. ও ৫০০০ মি.লি. প্লাস্টিক বোতল । - Quick View
Septovit® is an ideal general vitamin containing vitamin ‘A’ & ‘C’ in a sufficient quantity and vitamin B-complex as per essentiality. Septovit® contains also some important minerals, viz;-zinc, Magnesium, Calcium, Sodium, Chlorine, Sulphur and iron. Septovit® is a super modern combination of natural vitamins enriched herbs and fruits.
Septovit® is an ideal general vitamin containing vitamin ‘A’ & ‘C’ in a sufficient quantity and vitamin B-complex as per essentiality. Septovit® contains also some important minerals, viz;-zinc, Magnesium, Calcium, Sodium, Chlorine, Sulphur and iron. Septovit® is a super modern combination of natural vitamins enriched herbs and fruits.
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Effective Unani Medicine for Fever and Headach
Capsule Shefarin® is a natural Unani medicine in capsule dosage form. Shefarin® is safe well tolerable effective and curative treatment of fever. When temperature cross over the normal range.
That is fever. Unwanted feeling and normal life style has broken by attacking fever. Without any harmful effects Shefarin® actively well tolerate Natural medicine for treating fever and related headache, bodyache, phlegm, cough respiratory troubles and excess bile’s secreting liver related fever. Shefarin® has manufactured in a healthy atmosphere including modern technology. Shefarin® has manufactured by natural herbs and minerals. Here used compound of mercury and sulpher, Piper nigrum, piper longum and some others important medicinal compound.
(Shefa)Quick ViewEffective Unani Medicine for Fever and Headach
Capsule Shefarin® is a natural Unani medicine in capsule dosage form. Shefarin® is safe well tolerable effective and curative treatment of fever. When temperature cross over the normal range.
That is fever. Unwanted feeling and normal life style has broken by attacking fever. Without any harmful effects Shefarin® actively well tolerate Natural medicine for treating fever and related headache, bodyache, phlegm, cough respiratory troubles and excess bile’s secreting liver related fever. Shefarin® has manufactured in a healthy atmosphere including modern technology. Shefarin® has manufactured by natural herbs and minerals. Here used compound of mercury and sulpher, Piper nigrum, piper longum and some others important medicinal compound.
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For frequent night emission and spermatorrhoea
Sparin® is a natural medicine in syrup dosage form. It has manufactured by some of the selective medicinal plants which are side effect less and effective in frequent night emission and spermatorrhoea. Sparin® protects night emission and excessive feeling and hypersensitivity of the penis. Sparin® is a well balance combination of cascara sagrada, Glycyrrhiza glabra and Alropa belladonna. It inhibits the secretion of liquidary substances from our body. Sparin® is safe, well tolerable and exceptionally effective in frequent night emission and spermatorrhoea.
(Jiriyani)Quick ViewFor frequent night emission and spermatorrhoea
Sparin® is a natural medicine in syrup dosage form. It has manufactured by some of the selective medicinal plants which are side effect less and effective in frequent night emission and spermatorrhoea. Sparin® protects night emission and excessive feeling and hypersensitivity of the penis. Sparin® is a well balance combination of cascara sagrada, Glycyrrhiza glabra and Alropa belladonna. It inhibits the secretion of liquidary substances from our body. Sparin® is safe, well tolerable and exceptionally effective in frequent night emission and spermatorrhoea.
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One Step Advance on Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction is the most common sexual complication in our country. Three factors related with sexual debility. Erection, sexual desire and duration are the common factor, by which grows sexual debility. Capsule Sustina® is specially indicated for erectile dysfunction. Side by side Sustina® is supporting one, against duration relating pre-matured ejaculation and increases sexual desire. Natural constituents of active ingredients of Sustina® increases the flow of cyclic G.M.P. (Guanosine monophosphate) via helicon artery in the penis on the other hand it inhibits the excessive activeness of the co-enzyme typs-5 phosphodiestarase. Due to this mechanism the patient those are suffering by erectile dysfunction, it must provide optimum satisfaction for them. Sustina® has manufactured by some important, valuable and time-tested medicinal herbs in healthy atmosphere including most-modern technology. Sustina® restores the depleted sex power and prolongs penile erection. Sustina® increases erection in density, desire and ensures optimal satisfaction. Sustina® does not contain any hormone but the active herbal molecules demonstrate hormone like activity and stimulates the secretion of gonadotrophins, hence maintains hormonal equilibrium. For the treatment of erective dysfunction Sustina® is an ideal natural medicine.
(Ambor momiayee)Quick ViewOne Step Advance on Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction is the most common sexual complication in our country. Three factors related with sexual debility. Erection, sexual desire and duration are the common factor, by which grows sexual debility. Capsule Sustina® is specially indicated for erectile dysfunction. Side by side Sustina® is supporting one, against duration relating pre-matured ejaculation and increases sexual desire. Natural constituents of active ingredients of Sustina® increases the flow of cyclic G.M.P. (Guanosine monophosphate) via helicon artery in the penis on the other hand it inhibits the excessive activeness of the co-enzyme typs-5 phosphodiestarase. Due to this mechanism the patient those are suffering by erectile dysfunction, it must provide optimum satisfaction for them. Sustina® has manufactured by some important, valuable and time-tested medicinal herbs in healthy atmosphere including most-modern technology. Sustina® restores the depleted sex power and prolongs penile erection. Sustina® increases erection in density, desire and ensures optimal satisfaction. Sustina® does not contain any hormone but the active herbal molecules demonstrate hormone like activity and stimulates the secretion of gonadotrophins, hence maintains hormonal equilibrium. For the treatment of erective dysfunction Sustina® is an ideal natural medicine.
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Tonus® is a natural family tonic medicine which is very much effective
- Energetic and effective for nervous debility.
- Enhances retentive power and maintains youthful vigor.
- Removes all kinds of vitamin & mineral deficiency.
- Increases vision power.
- Antioxidant activities.
- Prevents plays the decline in cognitive performance that accompanies dietary and genetic deficiencies and aging.
- Increases the fertile power of female.
- Highly effective for patients of all age group & sexes.
- Reduce the adverse human health of low density of lipoprotein (LDL) and cholesterol.
- Highly palatable.
- Free from harmful side effects.
- Free from alcohol.
Tonus® is a natural family tonic medicine which is very much effective
- Energetic and effective for nervous debility.
- Enhances retentive power and maintains youthful vigor.
- Removes all kinds of vitamin & mineral deficiency.
- Increases vision power.
- Antioxidant activities.
- Prevents plays the decline in cognitive performance that accompanies dietary and genetic deficiencies and aging.
- Increases the fertile power of female.
- Highly effective for patients of all age group & sexes.
- Reduce the adverse human health of low density of lipoprotein (LDL) and cholesterol.
- Highly palatable.
- Free from harmful side effects.
- Free from alcohol.
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Diuretic and Urenary System Induced Fever Curative
Tribulex® is a poly herbal combined formulation of Unani medicine with time tested selected medicinal plants having proven efficacy as diuretic and urinary system induced fever curative. Most of the ingredients act as diuretic, liver tonic and urinary tonic. Syrup Tribulex® effective in inflammatory Jaundice, inflammatory fever and excretion of wastage of kidney and urinary Bladder. Tribulex® is very important formulation for all kinds of urinary disorder. It is effective, safe and well tolerates medicine for urinary disorders.
(Buzuri)Quick ViewDiuretic and Urenary System Induced Fever Curative
Tribulex® is a poly herbal combined formulation of Unani medicine with time tested selected medicinal plants having proven efficacy as diuretic and urinary system induced fever curative. Most of the ingredients act as diuretic, liver tonic and urinary tonic. Syrup Tribulex® effective in inflammatory Jaundice, inflammatory fever and excretion of wastage of kidney and urinary Bladder. Tribulex® is very important formulation for all kinds of urinary disorder. It is effective, safe and well tolerates medicine for urinary disorders.